Jan 20, 20243 min read

Dec 29, 20232 min read
Email editor@rowantree-editing.uk Call Me 07412 548483
Smaller word counts can be negotiated
Novellette/Long Essay (9500-17,500) £300.00
Novella/Essays (18,001-40,000) £450.00
Novel/Nonfiction (40,001-80,000) £600.00
Long Novel (80,001 - 120,000) £750.00
Writing Mentorship* £1,500-£2,000
Indexing† – £3.00 per indexable page.
E.g., a 250-page book = £750.
Larger word counts can be negotiated
* One year intensive mentorship on a manuscript, with 3-5 edits and email support. Message me for a quote.
Commissioning work with us is easy. Simply contact us for a free quote, including the word count. We will promptly send you a confirmation of your request.
For novels and longer works, we encourage writers to schedule a time to speak with the editor, especially if you have special instructions to communicate. This should be done before editing commences.
Payment options include direct bank transfers and Paypal, to be paid prior to work commencing.
† An index is not only an invaluable guide to reading, and an excellent way to give your book enduring value as a reference, but also lends it a unique stamp of professionalism. Microsoft Word only.
Rowan Fortune holds a PhD in English and Creative Writing. They have over a decade of experience in small publishing (Cinnamon Press), teaching (Bangor University), freelance writing (The Tablet, Envoi), and mentorship. They have edited and written a long list of manuscripts that successfully went on to secure publishing contracts.
In addition to creative editing, they ensure your document is grammatically correct, free of typos, properly punctuated, fluid, consistent, clearly formatted and readable. Your text will be tracked changed, with extensive comments to guide you in your future writing. And you will be supported throughout this process, with a thorough follow up.
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07412 548483